Sample Answer
What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?
I think that in general, parents want their children to succeed and be happy. So they give them advice that will help with that. For instance, if children are facing a problem, parents will encourage them to work through it and not give up. Or they might tell their children to see the bright side of the problem and not just complain about it. Everyone wants their kid to do well, so they give them the best advice they can.
What advice do parents often give to teenagers about making friends?
Usually, parents encourage teenagers to be active when it comes to making friends. It’s easier to get others to accept you when you start the conversation first. We can often see that outgoing and extroverted people have more friends than people who are shy and don’t like talking with others actively. A lot of parents also tell teenagers not to give into peer pressure. Sometimes when you make friends, you might be tempted to follow along with the crowd. But it’s best to stick to your guns and avoid doing anything stupid.
Should parents get involved in their children’s friendships?
I don’t think parents should take actions with their children’s friendships, even if they have a falling out with their friends. Actually, it’s natural for children to fall out and make friends again. If parents help too much, they might make the situation even worse. They can just teach their children what qualities a good friend should have and let them choose who to be friends with.
How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients); What personal qualities should experts have?
I find that in general, experts are very calm and helpful when they give advice. They make sure to give their client all the right information. And if needed, they can explain it more than once so their client gets the full picture. So to be an expert in something, you should be patient and hardworking. You can’t just give up at the first sign of trouble. Otherwise, you won’t do very well in your field.
Vocab Highlights
work through it
give into peer pressure
stick to your guns
gets the full picture
to be an expert in something
give up at the first sign of trouble
end up leading you astray