You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Percentage of households with electrical appliances (1920-2019)

Number of hours of housework* per week, per household (1920 – 2019)
housework* = washing clothes, preparing meals, cleaning
Sample Answer 1
The first line graph outlines how electrical appliance ownership in households in a country transformed during a century commencing from 1920. The second chart delineates how it affected the time spent on household work per week by the citizens in this country.
As a general trend, with the increasing number of electrical devices possessed by families, their need for doing housework significantly declined.
As the graph reveals, only 30 percent of households in this country used to have vacuum cleaners, and four out of ten families had washing machines in 1920. Refrigerators were rare electric appliances at that time. After two decades, however, refrigerator possessions shot up, and almost half of the families owned these three electric items in their homes. More families started to own such devices, and at the beginning of the twenty-first century, almost all households had fridges and vacuum cleaners. The washing machine was owned by more than 70% of families, which slowly but steadily increased till 2019. At that point, there was hardly any family without a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner.
Interestingly, with the increasing number of electric appliances owned by families, their need for household work like preparing meals, cleaning and washing clothes remarkably diminished. While they used to work for 50 hours a week doing such work in 1920, it decreased to 20 hours in 1960 and 10 in 2019.
Sample Answer 2
The line graphs show data on the ownership of household devices and the duration of housework done by families in a country between 1920 and 2019.
Overall, the possession of household machines has significantly increased since 1930, with refrigerators and vacuum cleaners being owned by every family. As a result, the amount of housework needed to be done by people declined proportionately.
According to the first graph, refrigerators were a rare commodity in houses in 1920, but their presence soared afterwards. Since 1980, every family in this country has owned this device. A similar but much smoother trend can be observed with vacuum cleaners, which were present in 3 of ten houses a century ago but are now held by 100% of all homes. Lastly, washing machines were owned by 40% of families in 1920 and reached 70% in just four decades. These days, it has remained just over 70%.
The second line chart indicates a direct correlation between acquiring essential household tools and the work required at home. Household work amount dropped dramatically from a high 50 hours per week in 1920 to a mere 10 hours per week in 2019.
Sample Answer 3
The first graph displays the percentages of households that owned electrical appliances in one country between 1920 and 2019. The second graph illustrates how much time households in that country spent doing housework during the same period.
Overall, ownership of all three appliances increased during this period, with the refrigerator having the most significant growth. At the same time, the amount of time spent on housework decreased.
Washing machines were the most common of the three electrical appliances in 1920, with ownership reaching 40% of households. This number then rose to about 75% in 2019, with a slight dip in 1980. Nearly a third of households owned vacuum cleaners in 1920. Although ownership climbed steadily, it did not reach 100% until 2000.
In comparison, almost no households had a refrigerator in 1920. However, ownership increased rapidly; by 1980, there was one in every household.
The amount of time spent doing housework, by contrast, first fell significantly from 50 to 15 hours per week between 1920 and 1980. After that, it only experienced a slight drop to just over 10 hours a week in 2019.
Sample Answer 4
The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and the amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920 and 2019. The graphs illustrate the proportion of state-of-the-art device usage, such as washing machines, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners, among households and the time spent using them in one particular country during one century.
Overall, the usage of all electrical appliances has increased during the period mentioned. However, the time spent cleaning their homes every week has significantly declined.
It is evident that even though using the refrigerator was not common among households during the first time of the survey, by the following years, it had increased dramatically, until it reached its peak at 100% by 1980, after that it remained in the same percentage by the rest of years. However, although the ratio of washing machine consumption was higher than the vacuum cleaner, about 10% higher, in 1920, after experiencing the same amount of usage in 1960, about 70%, the vacuum usage was surpassed, rising a full 100 percent, by 2000, the same level of washing machine percentage.
According to time- served on household chores, half of the hours were consumed in the beginning year. However, it saw an increasingly drop until 40 years later, reaching one-fifth of the time, then fluctuated approximately steadily during the rest of the period.
Sample Answer 5
Given are two line graphs depicting the proportions of families of the same nationality possessing three sorts of electrical apparatus, as well as the time devoted by these families, in hours per week (h/w), to household chores done by these appliances from 1920 to 2019.
What is conspicuous at a glance is that, despite a negligible decrease in washing machines, the number of families equipped with home appliances has increased throughout the span, which inversely matches the length of time spent on carrying out tasks pertained to these devices. Regarding washing machines, the most prevalent device in 1920, the percentage of households that employed it, having stood at 40 per cent, rose moderately to just over 70 percent in 2019, with a significant climb by 1960 and a slight dip in 1980. Turning to vacuum cleaner users, however, the general trend was upwards, starting from 30 percent, exceeding that of washing machines in 1960, before hitting a peak at 100 percent in 2000 when it levelled off towards the end. Similarly, refrigerator owners soared, with an abrupt rise from just over zero to 100 per cent in 1980. It remained stable from then onwards, surpassing that of two other devices during less than a decade around 1940.
Conversely, the country experienced a descending pattern in the number of hours spent on doing household works by these appliances every week, with time declining sharply from 50h/w in 1920 to 20 h/w in 1960, followed by a steady drop to halved.
Sample Answer 6
The first line chart compares the proportion of houses equipped with three electrical devices (washing machine, refrigerator, and vacuum cleaner). The next one illustrates the weekly hours of utilizing them to do household activities every twenty years between 1920 and 2019.
Overall, it can be seen that although the percentage of homes in which these three household electronics were adopted has experienced a considerable increase, there was a significant decrease in the number of hours using them doing housework over the provided period.
Among the given appliances, the washing machine, with a slight fluctuation between 1960 and 1980, had a minor increase, about 30% from 40% to 70%, rather than the two others. In 1920, no households used refrigerator, while vacuum cleaner was found in approximately 40% of homes. With a sharp growth in both, refrigerators became a necessary tool used by all people in 1980, compared to vacuum cleaners that reached the same situation as refrigerators in 2000.
With regards to the number of weekly hours of using mentioned tools to wash cloths, prepare meals, or clean the house, this figure witnessed a noticeable decline during the time interval. It decreased sharply from 50% in 1920 to 20% in 1960. Over the rest of the period from 1960 to 2019, there was only around a 10% reduction in hours.
Sample Answer 7
While the first diagram illustrates how the proportion is households with electrical appliances, namely washing machines, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners, changed, the second one shows is that the number of hours of housework, namely washing clothes, preparing meals and cleaning, during a week spent in households in a country between 1920 and 2019
Overall, although washing machines ranked first initially, it was over by refrigerators and vacuum cleaners towards the end, and the one letter ranked first during most of this period. The second letter dramatically increased and peaked as high as the refrigerator. The number of housework hours peaked for the first time and experienced a slight decrease despite an initial rapid decline.
While the figure for washing machines ranked first for the first time in 1920 (40%), that of vacuum cleaners stood second by 10%. Both appliances saw a moderate increase in 1940 by 20% and reached 60% and 50%, respectively. After some fluctuation from 1960 until 1980, washing machines increased slightly to about 72c/o in 2019. However, the vacuum cleaner rose rapidly until 1980 at 90% and levelled off and picked up (100c/o).
The figure for refrigerators experienced a dramatic increase until 1960 (90%), despite it having the lowest proportion of households initially, which rose moderately and levelled off in 1980 at 100%.
While the number of hours per week stood first in 1920 at 50 hours, during 40 years, that of housework declined significantly and reached 20hr in 1960. The figure for hours of housework dropped slightly in 1980, about 15%, and maintained this level in 2019 despite a slight decrease.
Sample Answer 8
The line charts illustrate the percentage of households with three kinds of appliances and the number of hours of housework in every household in one country for 99 years.
Overall, the percentage of households that used washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners increased. However, the figure for hours of housework declined during the same period. In addition, from 2000 onwards, the figure for the refrigerator was equal to that of the vacuum cleaner.
In 1920, the percentage of households that owned vacuum cleaners stood at 30%, while that of refrigerators was lower at around 2%. From this year to 2019, the figures for vacuum cleaners and refrigerators increased by 70% and about 98%, respectively. Between 1920 and 1960, the proportion of washing machines rose from 40% to 70%, after which it fluctuated around 70% over the next 40 years. In the subsequent years, it experienced an increase of approximately 5%.
According to the second chart, the most significant number of hours of the housework was spent in 1920, at 50. From 1920 to 1980, there was a significant fall of roughly 35 in the figure for hours of housework, and over the next 20 years, it remained constant at 15 hours. However, in 2019, the figure for hours of housework declined to nearly 10.
Sample Answer 9
A glance at the provided graphs illustrates the number of electrical appliances, including washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners, benefited by households by percentage and even the time they spent per week doing their house chores in the ninety years from 1920 to 2019. The use of electrical equipment experienced exponential growth among housewives, and most of them also budget little time for housework compared with the past.
Considering washing machines and vacuum cleaners, 40% and 30% of households used mentioned equipment in 1920 respectively whilst refrigerators allocated 0% to themselves, which seemed unfamiliar to housewives. In the next 20 years, refrigerators reached exponential growth among households since then; it swelled to 55%. Simultaneously, the washing machine and vacuum cleaner followed similar patterns and rocketed to 40% and 60%, respectively. In order, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners rose dramatically to a peak of 100% in 1980 and 2000.
Otherwise, washing machines lost their reputation among households since they experienced fluctuation between 1940 and 1989, then reached approximately 60% in 1980. In the following years until 2019, although refrigerators and vacuum cleaners maintained a value of 100%, washing machines climbed slightly from 60% in 1980 to 70% in 2019. Regarding the hours that each housewife budgeted for doing the house chores, it should be considered that by increasing the use of electrical appliances between 1920 to 1960, the majority of people spent fewer hours per week precisely, doing house works shrunk from 50% in 1920 to 20% in the 60 following years. Moreover, the hours budgeted for house chores dropped to 10% in 2019.
Based on the illustrated figures, it can be concluded that they spent little time carrying out their tasks by raising individuals’ dependency on the mentioned electrical equipment. Consequently, these applicable equipment shoulders their responsibilities more efficiently.
Sample Answer 10
The given line graphs provide information on the percentage of households that owned three types of electrical appliances in a particular country from1920 from 2019, and the number of hours per week these families spent on housework is illustrated over the same period.
In general, there had been an upward trend in the percentage of families who possessed domestic appliances. However, the increase in the ownership of refrigerators was much more significant than that
for washing machines and vacuum cleaners. The trend for the time households spent using these devices was downward during the period.
In 1920, almost no household had a refrigerator, while 30 % and 40% owned a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine. By 1960, the number of families with a refrigerator in their house had risen dramatically to 90%, 20% higher than those who had a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner in the same year.
By the end of the period, all households (100%) in the country had refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. In comparison, the ownership of washing machines peaked at just over 70% in 2019 after a slight fall of 10% between 1960 and 1980.
Regarding the housework done by one family every week, 50 hours were spent working with these appliances at the beginning of the period. This figure decreased to approximately 15% in 1980, when percentages remained stable for 20 years. After that, a slight decline of 5% was witnessed.
Sample Answer 11
The line charts detail the total percentages of electrical appliances in a given country from 1920 to 2019 and the results on housework undertaken per week. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that all electrical appliances became more popular, particularly refrigerators and vacuum cleaners. The total time spent doing housework has also declined steadily over the last century.
Refrigerators witnessed the most significant rise, beginning at just over 0% in 1920, surging to more than 50% by 1950, then continuing to rise steadily until plateauing at 100% around 1980. Vacuum cleaners started higher at 30% and then rose by 20% every 20 years until 1960 when growth tapered and ownership reached 100% by 1980. In contrast, proportions for washing machines began at 40%, climbed to 70% by 1960, then fell slightly, and recovered to finish the period at just above 70%.
The result for housework was that time spent washing clothes, preparing meals, and cleaning fell steadily from 50 hours a week in 1920 to 20 by 1960. After that, the decline was more gradual, reaching slightly above 10 hours by 2019.
Sample Answer 12
The first line graph displays the variations in possession of electrical appliances. In contrast, the second line graph illustrates the number of hours undertaken per week to complete household chores in one country from 1920 to 2019.
Overall, it is apparent that all the appliances witnessed an upward trend, with refrigerator showing the most notable and significant increase. Meanwhile, the time spent on housework declined steadily over the hundred years.
Refrigerators saw a sharp rise, from 0% in 1920 to almost 50% in 1940. After that, it inclined to 90% in 1960 and plateaued at 100% in 1980. On the other hand, vacuum cleaners started from 30% and then rose significantly until 1980 to about 90%, and by 2019 their ownership reached 100%. However, the possession of washing machines in 1920 was 40%, surging to 70% in 1960 but slightly plummeted in 1980 and ended nearly to 70% by 2019.
The time spent washing clothes, preparing meals and cleaning plunged steeply from 50 hours per week to only 20 by 1960. After that, the decline gradually increased to just over 10 hours per week.